Sunday, February 07, 2016

11 Things I Learned About Twitter This Weekend

Reading the flood of panicked tweets about Twitter's supposedly-soon-to-drop algorithmic feed this weekend, I have learned the following things about Twitter:

1. The people at Twitter don't use their own product

2. The people at Twitter don't understand their own product

3. The people at Twitter just want to turn it into Facebook

4. The only thing Twitter really needs is an edit button

5. Twitter is dead (#RIPTwitter)

6. Twitter is mostly young people and activists and creators who are not gonna stand for this Facebook algorithm shit

7. Twitter's real motivation with changing their feed is to censor content and control what people think

8. Twitter's real motivation with changing their feed is to inflict ads upon us and turn us into the zombie pawns of big corporations

9. Twitter is already using algorithms to control to the information we see, they just aren't telling us

10. If Twitter changes the timeline all the current Twitter users are going to up and go start using . . . well, something else

11. Change is bad


Anna Schafer said...

The verification procedure does have got a practical intent. Twitter brims with bogus or parody accounts. So when users are sifting via an index of potential usernames, it helps to acquire alerts to help you find the real person they want to follow. twitter verification

Unknown said...

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