Well, it looks like we've officially made it through the decade without anyone coming up with a good name for it. The 1990s are the "Nineteen Nineties". The 2000s are . . . what . . . the "two thousands"? I never hear anyone actually saying that, but it's the closest thing we have. (And, yes, I know that TECHNICALLY the decade doesn't end until Dec 31st, 2010, just like the millennium didn't technically start until 1/1/2001, but again, popular usage says the "aughts" are up).
So, now's the time to look back over the last 10 years in food. For every decade-end retrospective like this one that declares the 2000s to be the decade of the foodie, I've found another story like this one that shows a decade long trend in exactly the other direction (yikes! And hattip to NMissCommentator for the link). You could interpret this as an increasing gap between the culinary haves and have-nots, or maybe just a never ending expansion of variety in the world of food.
I'm not a bit immune to the urge to look back on a decade of trends. Jeff Allen and I put together our own "top ten of the last ten" list for the Charleston City Paper. Now, I'm heading off to make sure I have enough supplies to cobble together an old-school Hoppin' John with real red cowpeas and Carolina Gold rice, too (locavore AND heirloom ingredients--it's SO 2009!).
I wonder what we'll be eating this time in 2019?
Happy New Years, everyone!